Mystique Pole Dance - School - Team
- Team
- Pikun
- Noëmi
- Kathrine
- Karin
- Florina
- Adélaïde
Mystique Pole Dance Team

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Pikun - School owner and full time instructor for Pole Dance all levels and for Extreme Stretching |
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Karin - Instructor for Pole Dance upto level Pre-Advanced since 2017 |
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Florina - Instructor for Pole Dance upto level Pre-Advanced since 2018 |
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Adélaïde - Instructor for Pole Dance upto level Pre-Advanced since start of 2019 |
Development of the team
When Mystique Pole Dance started, it was just Pikun, being the instructor the school. It started end of 2010 when Pikun rented a room on an hourly basis, which she used for her own training. From there it developed into friends training together. In 2011 the first regular classes were formed.
Only when in 2012 it has grown into daily classes, Mystique Pole Dance started to be a company with defined structures. With the new studio it was possible starting from June 2012 to offer 2 classes at the same time in two rooms. For this a second teacher was educated. In spring 2013 both rooms were occupied every evening from Monday to Friday and 4 more instructors were taken in or built from the own student base. And since April 2013, an additional room, 4.40 meters tall, offers more possibilities.
End of 2014 to 2015 a second generation of teachers was added, replacing some of the first generation. All were students at Mystique Pole Dance and were built up carefully as teachers. Some of the first generation moved on, is it away from Pole Dance or geographically. For some peeriod those instructors also taught in a second studio in Baar, which has been given up in the meantime.
The team was quite stable for quite a while. But as all except Pikun teach accompanying their work or their studies, changes always happen in the life apart of pole, which do not allow anymore to continue teaching. End of 2017 a big swap of teachers happened again, opening up to the third generation. From the first generation, Noëmi is still with us, the second generation is all gone. Even if all teachers except Pikun still teach as their second job, we hope that more teachers are with us planning for the future.
Only when in 2012 it has grown into daily classes, Mystique Pole Dance started to be a company with defined structures. With the new studio it was possible starting from June 2012 to offer 2 classes at the same time in two rooms. For this a second teacher was educated. In spring 2013 both rooms were occupied every evening from Monday to Friday and 4 more instructors were taken in or built from the own student base. And since April 2013, an additional room, 4.40 meters tall, offers more possibilities.
End of 2014 to 2015 a second generation of teachers was added, replacing some of the first generation. All were students at Mystique Pole Dance and were built up carefully as teachers. Some of the first generation moved on, is it away from Pole Dance or geographically. For some peeriod those instructors also taught in a second studio in Baar, which has been given up in the meantime.
The team was quite stable for quite a while. But as all except Pikun teach accompanying their work or their studies, changes always happen in the life apart of pole, which do not allow anymore to continue teaching. End of 2017 a big swap of teachers happened again, opening up to the third generation. From the first generation, Noëmi is still with us, the second generation is all gone. Even if all teachers except Pikun still teach as their second job, we hope that more teachers are with us planning for the future.

Pikun "Seresa" Wilhelm
PikunFounder and instructor for Pole Dance (all levels) and for Extreme Stretching
⇒ Past history
Pikun is born and raised in Thailand and got in touch with dance when she came to Switzerland as an adult. At first as a hobby and meanwhile as a profession.
After many years she found "Pole Dance" via belly dance and then show dance.
After many years she found "Pole Dance" via belly dance and then show dance.
⇒ Development Pole Dance
A short and fast start into pole dance in Switzerland showed Pikun that she needs to venture into other countries, in order to find her style ad the true pole dancer inside of her, as locally after less than one year nobody could give her new inputs anymore.
So at first she visited England a few times, and later more often the US. Meanwhile she has learned from the best of the world, who passed by in Zurich, usually for teaching workshops at Mystique Pole Dance.
So at first she visited England a few times, and later more often the US. Meanwhile she has learned from the best of the world, who passed by in Zurich, usually for teaching workshops at Mystique Pole Dance.
⇒ Pole Dance aktuell
Sie hat mit Elena Gibson von PDS (Pole Dancing School in London) eine gute Freundin und die perfekte Lehrerin gefunden. Bei Elena Gibson hat sie sich auch als Pole Instruktorin ausbilden und diplomieren lassen.
Unterdessen hat sie ihren eigenen Unterrichts-Stil mit ihren eigenen Ideen entwickelt. Vielfach kopiert, sind wir überzeugt, dass sie die Qualität von Pole Dance in der Schweiz nachhaltig verbessert hat und wir freuen uns, damit unseren Beitrag an die Pole Gemeinschaft leisten zu können.
Unterdessen hat sie ihren eigenen Unterrichts-Stil mit ihren eigenen Ideen entwickelt. Vielfach kopiert, sind wir überzeugt, dass sie die Qualität von Pole Dance in der Schweiz nachhaltig verbessert hat und wir freuen uns, damit unseren Beitrag an die Pole Gemeinschaft leisten zu können.

KarinInstruktorin für Pole Dance bis Stufe Pre-Advanced
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FlorinaInstruktorin für Pole Dance bis Stufe Pre-Advanced
⇒ Vorgeschichte
Florina hat seit ihrer Kindheit stets einen Sport ausgeübt: Von Aikido, über Tennis bis hin zum Fechten. Allerdings ist sie nie lange bei einer Sportart geblieben, da ihr immer etwas gefehlt hat. Dieses ‘gewisse Etwas’ fand sie dann im Sommer 2013 in ihrer ersten Schnupperstunde in einem Poledance Kurs! Es war sozusagen Liebe auf den ersten Spin.
⇒ Werdegang Pole Dance
Bereits nach kurzer Zeit liess sich Florina zur Trainerin ausbilden und entdeckte neben ihrer Leidenschaft für Poledance an sich auch die Leidenschaft zum Unterrichten. Sie arbeitete in verschiedenen Studios in Aargau, Solothurn und in Zürich, trainierte zusätzlich zu ihrem eigenen Training noch mit befreundeten Poledancer und besuchte diverse Workshops in der ganzen Schweiz. Als ihre Entwicklung anfing zu stagnieren, suchte sie nach einer neuen fixen Trainingsmöglichkeit und fand so den Weg zu Mystique Pole Dance. Bereits nach ihrer ersten Stunde war für sie klar: Da möchte ich sein!
⇒ Pole Dance (und Stretching) aktuell
Florina ist auch heute noch, glücklich mit Poledance. Nebst Poledance- und Stretching Kursen, welche sie als Schülerin besucht, unterrichtet sie seit Anfang 2018 nun auch selbst als Lehrerin bei Mystique Pole Dance. Nebst ihren regulären Kursen gibt Florina zusätzlich Privatstunden und ist immer wieder mal in anderen Studios zu Gast für Workshops in den Bereichen Double Poledance (Figuren zu zweit an der Stange) oder Acro-Yoga (akrobatische Figuren zu zweit oder zu mehreren). Zusätzlich zum Poledance versuchte sie sich in den letzten Jahren auch an verwandten Sportarten wie Aerial Hoop oder Aerial Silk. Ihre grosse Liebe ist und bleibt aber ganz klar Pole Dance.

AdélaïdeInstruktorin für Pole Dance bis Stufe Pre-Advnaced
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